First Day

May 7th, 2013:  Today is my first day of getting sober.  I had several glasses of wine last night, and ironically, feel good today.  I feel good because I know what is ahead of me.

  1. Going to bed sober
  2. Reading a great book before going to sleep and actually remembering what the story was about.
  3. Waking up early before the sun rises
  4. Grabbing that first cup of coffee
  5. Not being so hungover that I have to sneak wine to work (I know right?!)
  6. No more hiding empty bottles
  7. No more sneaking around and drinking during the day
  8. No more “sleeping it off” during the day when it is gorgeous outside
  9. No more drinking when I get home from work
  10. Being able to run and workout

The list goes on and on.  Wish me luck.  Follow me on my journey.  Stories about my drunk days and the progression of my problem with alcohol to follow.